Sunday, July 1, 2007

...and an updated post

Free time is such a luxury for me right now!

Last week I was incredibly busy because we had our first tests on Thursday (which is like Friday in the states) and let's just say that I'll be lucky if I pass the classes in this program. I may have gotten straight A's in Arabic at Carolina, but here I'm averaging in the 70's or joke. Our program administrator told me that 80 and above is considered an A here so maybe that means if I get a 60 I can fly with a C hahahha. Seriously though, I have GOT to crack down this week and stop having girl talk until God knows when in the morning.

So after waking up at 4 AM to finish studying for my exam, having 4 classes, and then taking a 3 hour long exam (which I didn't even finish by the way), I went with a bunch of people from my program to Damascus. I'm really glad that I went because it is an amazing city but it was really difficult fitting in travel in a schedule of intense schoolwork. Fortunately Irbid is only about 20 miles from the border and maybe 2 hours total from Damascus. The ride there was interesting to say the least- I was lucky enough to get the middle seat in the back which happened to be furnished with a nice, cozy seat warmer, as the heat ducts in the car seemed to be leaking. Hot air emanating from dark leather seats is not the most pleasant feeling in 100+ degree weather.

Anyway, we made it through the obstacle course that is the border and had an amazing dinner in downtown Damascus. It was quite a thrill to branch out from my daily diet of falafel, hummus, pita bread, and Nutella. The main problem with this weekend was that our first day there was al-Jumua so the big souq was closed and hardly anything was going on. On Saturday we did manage to pack in a lot of exploring and got to enter the beautiful Umayyad mosque. The souq was totally packed that afternoon but I made a number of purchases including olive oil soap, a scarf, turquoise jewelry, various postcards, and best of all, a gorgeous emerald green jalbiyya. I realize that it's completely impractical but I just couldn't pass it up, so I'm hoping I can wear it to a wedding or some other cultural event while I'm in Jordan. Plus I'm sure this won't be the last time I visit the Middle East .

See above for pictures of this weekend's adventures :)

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